Cellule-relais du PAISD

The relay unit supports entrepreneurs from the Senegalese diaspora in Europe in preparing their application to join the business creation support programme of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (ADEPME).
(Updated on16/01/2023)

In short

Détail des critères de l'offre
  • Entrepreneurs of the Senegalese diaspora established in one of the 4 European countries concerned by the programme (France, Spain, Italy, Belgium);
  • The entrepreneurs must have a project to return to Senegal;
  • Or they must have been established in Senegal for less than 3 years
Target countries
Target audience
Women entrepreneurs
Wanna-be entrepreneurs
Project phases
Activity sectors
Agriculture and agri-food
Commerce and handicrafts
Finance and assurance
Green tech/ Environmental and urban services
Human services, health
Business services, engineering, consulting
Information and Communication Technologies/ Media
Transport, logistics
Femme entrepreneuses
Women entrepreneurs
Diaspora priority level value


The PAISD relay unit offers effective support for the structuring of projects in the ideation phase in order to prepare an application:

  • drafting of a brief presentation of the project;
  • collection of the administrative documents necessary for the validation of the application.

This structuring aims to integrate the business creation support system of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (ADEPME) in Senegal.

50 project leaders are supported by the relay unit out of 300 project leaders entering the ADEPME support system.

Service(s) proposé(s)
Legal, administrative and HR consulting
Business registration
Other services proposed by the organization
Description du processus
  • Entrepreneurs of the Senegalese diaspora established in one of the 4 European countries concerned by the programme (France, Spain, Italy, Belgium);
  • The entrepreneurs must have a project to return to Senegal; Or they must have been established in Senegal for less than 3 years.
Delay for answers to applications
Depending on the progress of applications.
Difficulty level
Difficulty level
2 (easy)
Time required to prepare your application
1 week
Average acceptance rate
Application mode
Includes funding
Content reserved for members of the Bridge Africa Hub

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